"Reach out and torch someone."

Out The Window



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September 16th, 2002
Well, as you read below, lorikitty might be revamping the site.
Not only did she, she's typing this now to let you know, THIS SITE WILL NO LONGER
BE UPDATED! to view the new »OTW«, click on that « :) HAVE FUN!
REMEMBER! THIS SITE IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED! (not to mention this site sucks :p)


August 13th 2002 This year is gona be long....
So like you may or may have not read I disliked my High School, I jsut want to change my position....slightly! I after some turmoil managed to get into Math Honors....which is decently cool....until the point that the reorganizing of the rest of my classes began....big trouble it was either enter at 7:30 am or just not be in honors....or change my schedual entirerly...I chose the latter....and simmered into Computers Honors.....which is also a bit cool, I've my first CH class tomorrow though...I hear its hard work...well anyways I'm with a bunch of new strangers...and iornically the guy that sat besides me had candy with him....get it? strangers with candy...? err...note to self do not make referrences to obscure comedy central sitcoms...anyways...schools sort of restarting tomorrow for me...which is good and bad kids....

In good news, sides the fact my ego is majorly bolstered thanks to attention given to me by people from the opposite sex that aren't my mom....the good news is that lori may be redesigning the site...so we'll get something decent not this crappy piece of...well crap....right uhm....sigh...times are tough...

August 7th 2002 Life dosn't get better...
Well it dosn't and you know it...and ya may also know maybe that I just entered high school like three days ago, if you didn't now you know. Its a decent high school, you know...the less shittiest around here...Campus I'm going to well...ask anyone and they'll tell you something like "that place is for whiney sons-of-mommy-n-daddy brats" and they'd be telling the truth really....now before you call me that, I'd like to say in my defense it was not my choice...but my siblings choice...and the path I must follow for convenience....aka so family dosnt need to drive around the city to drop off kids.

Its a nice lil place though....rrright....the classroom I'm in ain't half bad, we cover your entire range of stereotypes from druggies to bullies to ice queens to lone goths (me...hehehe just kidding...), which opts for quite a place to be inspired in and enjoy while flaming pigs fly out of my niñe body orifices...oh and if your counting the belly button isnt an orifice...its not the sorry fact that the classes are SLOOOOOOOW just like in Jr High, or that the teachers are dumb, or that I'm learning stuff I already know....no wait thats the whole point....i believe it was between a teacher not being able to explain an assigment she planned...or when my math teacher ignored the fact the square root of X number is positive and negative Y number...or perhaps when I'm going over things i learned years ago....wait its that and more!

There is no real challenge in life....that is what I've learned from school...I've also learned that things aren't handed to you completely...so I intend to go to school tomorrow and try and get challenged....

On other not really important notes....I met a cute girl....met some cool people....met weird people....vinni viddi voreditti...


July 27 2002 i had a great title for this newspost but I forgot it between the time I was banging my head to the wall and looking for my cyanide tablets...
Ok I was going to post information about the site and up n comin changes...but....as the comic geek that I am I got in my hands this months Wizard....I'm calmly breezing through it, glancing at drawings etc...and alas find info on the Daredevil info...and alas to my surprise...I see who they cast for Kingpin...THE BLACK DUDE FROM WHOLE NINE YARDS?! WHAT THE F....I'm not racist ya know, I hate everyone equally...this guy's last roles were good bigassed black dudes....how can he turn out n play a big badass mafia kingpin?! Gaaaa....Well aleast he's pumpin up for the role "They actually told me I was too small. I have to get up to 340 pounds...I'm doing heavy lifting...And I have to eat five to six times a day" (Clarke Duncan - Wizard)...oh and on a side note the Daredevil seems to suck more ass than uhh....somethign or other...

1)Ok...I've been trying to get Lori to agree to helping me again, primarilly with the goddamed design...shes still thinking about it, which is better than a No...I should really stop bugging her about it. If she agrees well we will have a redesign etc...and a working archives.
2) School is starting like...August 5th...Yoko will ride in high school hell...But do not worry my friends, I've learned my lesson and promise not to falter like I have before...well only in exams maybe...
3) Beware of he who breaks the mold called and feared by the name of Ceramic Pig.
4)The site's new re-launch is dated for August 29th, like the first time we started....with Lori hopefully...
5) I'm pretty sure I forgot stuff to mention...well ready for some more changes soon kiddo's.

July 23 2002 We stand now upon the brink of destruction. For the Reign of Chaos has come at last...
As depicted above by the ugly picture of me holding the collectors edition box of Warcraft 3....we now know Blizzard owns my soul again...a giant art book....a DVD with the cut scenes...the soundtrack...and the game....there go my savings.... It's a pretty good game though and I'd say its worth every penny to buy it...once the prices goes down to 50 dlls...It kicks great ass if you like RTS games, if you dont well you dont like RTS what do you care! There's a few things that Blizzard let me down in...the units in W2 had funny stuff to say when you clicked them, these have all around crap...though its supposed to make it realistic or something. The 'Heros' are pretty cool but I honestly believe it'd been better that even normal units be getting XP but up to a low lvl like 3 or something and only increased in stats and HP. There is a small number of buildings to be built, and a small number of units you can manage and or create which isnt bad or good in reality. The game's story line is pretty good, great movies in between that are on the DVD too. If you got the game and are playing around B-Net and for some weird reason want to play me look for "Eame" (thats "I am me"). Well yup.

This post is beggining to get long eh? I've got some more things to say, so here I go. The files on this account on keenspace are seriously screwed and whatnot, and its gotten too weird and big for me to handle so I'm gona try and fix things one way or another or create a new account on keenspace and move everything there nice n neat. I'll get back to you on what I do.

07-17-02 By the way I tried to say....
I'm a gallery whore...but the gallery looks nicer at least now...check it out, added stuff in there, old crap i unearthed from my bag (yeaaah baby) as well as some new drawings I did. Go check it out...the previous button is f-ed up...gona change stuff in about a month or so...just wait...keep tuning in!

07-15-02 It may not look like it, but this is me smiling
Ahh another lazy monday of sitting infront of the computer...sadly simple weeks away from going into high school and the hell im told it is...le sigh....whats this...i have e-mail...*click...read...blink...re-read...* interesting...*grabs a poking stick and pokes the screen repetedly...* is this...e-mail...about me site...from someone i dont know....*big smile*...This event is based on a true story.

07-10-02 Man or mouse?
Updated the gallery....look forward to big changes in the next month maybe...yeah i know ivnt updated just been busy doin other stuff...real life drawing n stuff in gallery...yup...

06-26-02 Replay value...
Last week was my prom type thing....was nice ya know...great day....great company....great friends...great time...went to prom with a cute girl, went to the afterparty with all my friends, went to a friends house for breakfast, went to play some pool....didnt sleep that night at all...slept 16 hours the next night though...sleep habits back to normal...been playing old games etc...played Halo and got this idea....ehh shrug....see you later...

06-11-02 Itellyawhat...
Been mostly working on that thing for moderntales n all..i've done random sketches now and then to brake off from the monotone Happyville syndrome n stuff...i'm out of school...yup...finished exams...got my schedual for High School etc...sigh...start August 5th...not many people from my Jr High in the same time as me...still gona see the rest but heh...weird...well anyways...check out this sketches and this website Under Power it's nice.

5-29-02 Melloncolhy and the Infinte Saddness
Yup....exams start tomorrow...finals....12 years of being in the same gdanged school with the same gdanged people...damm....great day today, first two periods it was locker cleaning time and got together all 3 classrooms into 1 to practice the song we're gona sing during our graduation, Time of Your Life, nice stuff...then we were crowded into the virtual room, this room outside thats for techonology stuff, and practiced the song in spanish we're gona sing, Adios a la escuela, after that queen n king were crowned, pfft....good thing we had a dance for 2 periods, smash and mosh pits with friends were cool, after that we were huddled outside by the soccer field, Wet Day started....just a big big big water balloon fight, cool stuff. After that we had some food and free time. great day....

05-24-02 Modern Tales
So...Modern Tales is offering people to send in submissions and they may accept some and put them up...I got an aching to try...so I will...I may leave this place in hiatus for the meanwhile...sorry guys...but I will post up random sketches as I do them, check this out. Crusader is pinned up above my pooter, kids was from watching 13 ghosts and The Others in a row, and the other one heck i dunno..the sequential was just a small muscle flexing...see you around kids!



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