Out The Window

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Out The Window

Seeing all those other webcomics out there, I just wanted to get my two cents into this piggybank of piggybankness...so after discussing with myself, planning and thinking, and with help from Lorikitty, Animecafe hit the web August 2000 sporting a crude Anime drawing style and usually lame jokes and punch lines it managed to get some attention and pull in 200 readers a day at its peak, after 5 months of launch with low advertisment. Due to normal reasons as lack of time and organization I had to pull the plug on AnimeCafe for a while. After about half a year hiatus AnimeCafe comes back October 2001 sporting a slicker style in webdesign, art, and all. Tripped, tumbled and fall AnimeCafe came back but now under Out The Window an one man army Online Studio. With some help from friends its been able to stand for an even longer time than AnimeCafe, and I'm still learning.

So far thats the story.

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Out The Window, 2001-2002
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