Step 1.- For this simple example will draw
a room, we are looking straight into it. So we are looking at
the center, we find the center of our paper and draw a point there,
we then draw lines from the point to the edges of the page and
begin drawing them. Rulers Rule here!
Step 2.- Once our lines are drawn, we have
to define how deep is the room, taking our lines as a base we
draw the shape of the paper we are drawing, or the shape we want
the room to be and draw it inside, smaller will make your room
look deeper, bigger closer.
Step 3.- Here we just added in objects into
our room, see how you have to follow the lines you have already
set on your paper, THIS IS A MUST! Closer is bigger, further is
smaller. Follow em lines. Now if you are going to draw something
that is not a square or rectangle, say a circle for a fan on the
cieling, first draw a square following the lines as shown, then
just draw it inside following the square.
Step 4.- Note how objects on the far wall
don't get moved around, this is because of where they are. This
is a crappy drawing but it helps out no? Just got to erase them
lines now, its hard but hang in there. Play around and practice
this, next class we'll practice perpsective points from a side,
and several perspective points.
it is, smaller it gets.
it is, bigger it gets.
it clean.
the lines.